

Mobile grinding and polishing of heavy plates

Belt grinding machine for large and heavy plates and for weld seam polishing.


CLF75 Belt Grinding Machine is the solution for finishing and polishing large metal sheets on the floor.

When, because of its large dimensions, the metal plates are difficult to move this belt grinding and polishing machine, as it is assembled in wheels can be easily moved along the metal sheet.

Cleaning metal surface, grinding calamine, belt finishing and even polishing and grinding effectively weld seams in metal wide panels are some of the applications CLF75 Belt Grinding Machine.


Technical Description


Grinding heavy steel sheet
Grinding heavy steel sheet
Grinding heavy steel sheet

Easy belt grinding of steel sheets on the floor whenever the metal sheet is too heavy or too big to be handle.

Multipurpose Finishing Machines - CLF75
Weld seams grinding
Weld seams grinding

Grinding weld seams with the contact roller.

Mobile grinding unit
Mobile grinding unit
Mobile grinding unit

Easy to move and use the machine along wide metal sheets.

Multipurpose Finishing Machines - CLF75
Wheels adjustment
Wheels adjustment

Wheels level adjustment available.

Demonstration VIdeos

CLF75 – Belt Grinding Machine


Abrasive belt dimensions (mm)75x2000
Abrasive belt speed (m/s)30
Main motor (kW)4
Total power (kW)4
Consumption (A)9
Dust extraction connection per head (Ø mm)80
Dimensions (mm)1520x700x1030
Weight (kg)97



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    • A

      До 5.5 кВт
      6800 м3/ч
      Сухая обработка
      Простые и экономичные пылеуловители с фильтровальными мешками.

    • FC120

      Максимальная ширина 120 мм
      Сухая обработка
      1-2 станции
      Идеально подходит для прямоугольных труб и прутков с шириной до 120 мм.

    • ML100

      Maксимум Ø 114мм
      Прямые и трубы с изгибом
      1 станция
      Прямые и круглые трубы с изгибом до Ø144 мм с максимальной гибкостью и постоянством.